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Photobotanik Photoökologie Photophysik Phototechnologie Diverses



D.W. Lawlor Thieme Stuttgart 1990.

Feister, Uwe, Klimawandel und strahlungsbedingte (aktinische) Wirkungen. In: Warnsignal Klima: Gesundheitsrisiken – Gefahren für Pflanzen, Tiere & Menschen.
Buch-Herausgeber und Quelle: J. L. Lozán / H. Graßl, G. Jendritzky / L. Karbe and K. Reise. (2008), 115 – 120. ISBN: 978-3980966849.

Giacomoni, P.U. (ed.) Biophysical and Physiological Effects of Solar Radiation on Human Skin. In Comprehensive Series in Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 10 (series eds. G. Jori and D.-P. Häder) RSC, London, 2007.

Hamblin, M.R. and Jori, G. (eds.) Photodynamic Inactivation of Microbial Phathogens. Medical and Environmental Applications. In Comprehensive Series in Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 11 (series eds. G. Jori and D.-P. Häder) RSC, London, 2011.

Pottier, R., Krammer, B., Stepp, H. and Baumgartner, R. (eds.) Photodynamic Therapy with ALA – A Clinical Handbook – Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 7 (series eds. G. Jori and D.-P. Häder) RSC, London, 2006.

Renger, G. (ed.) Primary Processes of Photosynthesis, Part 1: Principles and Apparatus. In Comprehensive Series in Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 8 (series eds. G. Jori and D.-P. Häder) RSC, London, 2007.

Renger, G. (ed.) Primary Processes of Photosynthesis, Part 2: Principles and Apparatus. In Comprehensive Series in Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 9 (series eds. G. Jori and D.-P. Häder) RSC, London, 2007.


The Effects of Ozone Depletion on Aquatic Ecosystems, Häder, D.-P. (ed.), Environmental Intelligence Unit, Academic Press and R.G. Landes Comp., Austin (1997).

Role of Solar UV-B Radiation on Ecosystems, Nolan, C.V. and Häder, D.-P. (eds.), European Commission, Directorate-General Science, Research and Development, Brussels, 1998.

Global Aquatic and Atmospheric Environment, Kumar, H.D. and Häder, D.-P., Springer Berlin (1999).

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Biophysics of photoreceptors and photomovements in microorganisms. Lenci, F., Colombetti, G., Ghetti, F., Häder, D.-P. and Song, P.-S. (eds), NATO-ASI Series Plenum, New York, 1991.

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Grundlagen der Lichterzeugung – von der Glühlampe bis zum Laser, Dr. habil. Roland Heinz, Highlight Verlagsgesellschaft; Auflage: 4., erw. Aufl. (30. Juni 2011), ISBN: 3937873031

Image Analysis: Methods and application, 2nd Edition, Häder, D.-P. (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton 2000.

LightBOOSTER 2.0 – Lichtanlagen der Innen- und Außenbeleuchtung
wirtschaftlich optimieren und Wartungspläner erstellen, Dr. habil. Roland Heinz, Highlight Verlagsgesellschaft; Auflage: 1., Aufl. (1. Januar 2012), ISBN: 393787304X

Measurement of photobiologically weighted irradiances and exposures. In Biologic Effects of Light 2001, W. Heering, ed. Michael F. Holick, Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 2002, p. 3 – 17

Measuring weak light signals not far from the noise level. In Biophotons, W. Heering, ed. Jiin-Ju Chang, Joachim Fisch and Fritz-Albert Popp, Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1998, p. 143 – 157

Spektroskopische Temperaturmessung. In Technische Temperaturmessung, W. Heering, Hrsg. Frank Bernhard, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004, S. 1201 – 1227

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Sprechen mit dem Micro, Häder, D.-P. und Götzlaff, W. Vogel Verlag, Würzburg.

Lila macht kleine Füssse – Können wir unseren Augen trauen, W.R.Cramer, DeGruyter Berlin 2023

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Moderne Labortechniken, Häder, D.-P. und Häder, M., Thieme, Stuttgart, 1993.

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